Thursday, May 7, 2009

Meeting and Sharing

I'm able to post an extra early message this morning after a more restful night. I was finally able to read two of the inserts in the registration package, - instruction for a Retreat in Daily Life, which shares some wonderful help for daily prayer. If it has not been published in News Notes, it could be requested by associates and others because it is very valuable. The account of the history of religious orders took me back to the excellent course on Benedictine Life and Influence in the Anglican Church that Sr. Constance Joanna allowed several of us to audit for a dry run, before she delivered the course in the Toronto School of Theology. There are so many good things to learn there too.

Sister Elizabeth and I are both taking pictures for a slide show to run here eventually. But somehow I have managed to lose the information of where to access it so I'll have to ask Sr. Amy, who helpfully set it up, to come to the rescue.

The discussion groups bring small pearls of great price and so do talking dinners. Many of these are private, but a very few can be shared to give you a taste of the myriad interactions.

A woman told me yesterday that my late husband was the reason she came to her parish church and stayed there for the last 30 years. In the process she met another associate who led her to SSJD.

Another related how she had become an associate at age 23, - but this is the first time she has been able to come to the convent. At the time of her admission she was living in a L'Arche community and all 40 insisted on coming to her admission, - so it had to be moved to a larger church.

Another had suffered early illness and dislocation and had to completely re-frame her life. She noted that she had to give up any sense of achievement and simply be thankful each day that she is still here. That joy exudes in her smiling face.

It's time to get on the road and "get me to the church on time". And we'll have to decide what we are going to do for the entertainment tomorrow. I've also forgotten to appoint a recorder for each session - but I have a feeling that what we want to share with the whole group on Saturday will emerge naturally.

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